For our properties, pest control is the tenant’s responsibility, except when they first move into the house.

For any property owners who decide to leave their homes under our care, we always tell them the same thing regarding pest control: It’s the tenant’s responsibility, except when they first move into the property. 

Specifically, if they find pests within the first 10 to 20 days of moving in, the problem has to be taken care of at the owner’s expense. After the initial move-in period, it shifts to the tenant’s expense. 

As you know, our last video blog was about termites, and oftentimes, the cabinets that are brought into condos or townhomes come from outside Hawaii. The walls and grounds of those properties can be treated, but any outside furniture and the moving boxes encasing them can carry termites. We’ve seen plenty of infestations occur after tenants move in because of this, so it’s something you need to know. 

As always, if you have questions about this or any other property management topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to help you.