You need to know your home’s electrical service if you plan to upgrade.

Have you ever wondered about the electrical power capacity coming into your house here in Hawaii? Today’s topic is a bit technical, but I’ll try to explain it clearly. Knowing the electrical service of your home in Hawaii is important, especially if you’re considering installing some upgrades to your home.

Homes here in Hawaii typically come with 100 amp service, which refers to the amount of electricity available to power everything inside your home. However, if you are thinking of adding solar panel upgrades or installing an air conditioning unit, electricians might ask you to increase your service to 200 amps. This doubles the electrical capacity of your home.

The easiest way to check your service type is by looking at your breaker box. A standard 100 amp service will have a smaller breaker box, compared to a 200 amp service that’s larger with more breakers to accommodate the increased capacity.

“As a tenant, you usually don’t need to be concerned about amp services unless you have plans to have significant electrical upgrades.”

As a tenant, you usually don’t need to be concerned about amp services unless you have plans to have significant electrical upgrades like installing an air conditioner. This is the same with solar panel installation. The 200 amp service is needed to handle the additional electrical flow.

If you have any questions about your home’s electrical service or need assistance with upgrades, feel free to contact Air Pacific Management. You can call me at (808) 445-9223 or email me at I am looking forward to hearing from you!