Termites are one of the worst things to have in your home. Today I’m sharing my advice on how to handle this problem.

When I have to be the bearer of bad news to homeowners and tell them we’ve found termites, that’s really the worst news a person can get in Hawaii. That’s because, if you’re part of a townhome or condo situation, most of the time you can’t tent the building, you can only spot-treat the issue. That’s a challenging situation. If you’re a single-family homeowner, you can consider tenting the entire house, but it’s problematic if you have a tenant because they’ll likely have to find other living arrangements during that time.

Termites can eat up to five pounds of wood per week! My advice is to tent the property or have someone spot-treat the problem immediately. Termites are the most formidable adversary we have in Hawaii. Another problem is, many people try to put off termite treatment and then end up having widespread damage to their homes. 

“Termites can eat up to five pounds of wood per week!”

I always try to tell homeowners the bad news myself, as it’s the right thing to do. 

If you have a termite situation, or you know of one in a house, feel free to call or email me. I would be glad to discuss your options. Also, as usual, contact me if you have any questions about property management in general. I’m here to help.